In the previous issue, we highlighted a number of special places for the trip around the Khoridol Saridag Mountains and Taiga. This time, I would like to introduce Jargant river and Khanh soum. Jargant river is located in the south of Renchinlkhumbe soum of Khuwsgul province. Renchinlkhumbe is known for being a cold place with snow mixed with rain even in summer. The average minimum temperature in January is −37.0 °C (−34.6 °F), and temperatures as low as −50 °C (−58 °F) have been recorded. About the Jargant River, this river does not freeze at -50 degrees Celsius. So local people believe that it has living water. As we walked through the mists of the small forest and reached the river bank, another magical forest seemed to greet us. This place can be a spot for those who love to feel the wonder and beauty of winter and those who like to take pictures. Here, the feeling of the land will always be in our hearts, especially mine. In addition, it is one of the places that I would like to return to if I have the opportunity to come again later with friends or family. I especially want my dear family and friends to experience the winter beauty of this place. And I recommend you to come here too, especially in winter.

Khanh soum is definitely one of the places that Mongolians who like to travel want to visit. It is a peaceful place separated by a lake and not easy to get to, so it seems that it is a place that attracts to people who want peace living in the city. Because we were doing this trip in the coldest winter, we drove over the thick frozen ice on Khuvsgul Lake. In summer, it can be reached by horse over very rough roads, by a very good big car or by boat. We stayed there for three days and two nights. We had a comfortable rest at the resort with a beautiful view of the lake directly in front of us. The hostess of the resort where we stayed treated us to delicious food. It was the birthday of one of our travelers, so we decided to have a party at the soum club. If you are visiting one of the soums in Mongolia, don’t miss the soum club dance. 

Our 9-day 2600 km journey in the coldest part of winter gave us the opportunity to experience the wonder of winter in many beautiful places. Finally, as a person who has traveled to all these beautiful places, if you decide to travel to Mongolia in winter, do not miss Tsaatan Otog, Jargant River, and Singing Spring.

These three places may not be able to fully show the winter wonder for you, but I think you will never regret visiting and will prevent you from regretting not visiting. I have promised myself that next time I will visit the taiga in summer and autumn.

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